Good news for the loyal hedgehog subjects of the British Crown. The British Hedgehog Preservation Society, along with the Scottish SPCA has, after several years, successfully lobbied McDonald’s to change the design of the McFlurry ice cream container. It seems that hedgehogs are attracted by the smell of the ice cream in discarded McFlurry containers. On crawling into the containers, the hedgehogs become trapped only to die of starvation and dehydration.
In a bow to animal protection, McDonald’s has now introduced a re-designed McFlurry container with a smaller opening—a hole too small for the hedgehog to enter, but big enough to get the ice cream out. As one who cuts apart my plastic six pack rings to save the birds, and who won’t release a helium-filled balloon so as not to choke a whale, I am very happy. Now if only we could get McDonald’s to bow to human protection and cease business completely, we’d all be better off. This week it was announced that despite recent efforts at educating the public about the dangers of obesity, the already fat populace is getting fatter. I’m sure there’s some overweight glutton somewhere pissed off that he now has to slow down his consumption of the McFlurry due to the smaller opening all in the name of protecting a hedgehog. I just hope that overweight glutton isn’t me!
2 years ago
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