08 March 2007

It’s the Little Things

Happiness truly comes in small forms, and usually unexpectedly.

My happiness today was driving to the office in my car that was probably cleaner than it’s been since I bought it. It’s no secret that I loathe driving and hate the hassle of dealing with cars. The result is that I generally keep my car in very good running condition, but I never wash it or worry about cosmetic maintenance. It’s not worth my time, effort, or money.

Yesterday, however, I was surprised with a car spotlessly cleaned inside and out and complete with new hubcaps. I never would have done it, but it has made me very happy, and mostly because it was unexpected.

I’m off to lunch now to be happy in a warm sunny day with my clean car. Hope you find some happiness today too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a very long day today, and a beastly commute home, but as I was reading your post, Sophie came in the room and put her head in my lap. How the hell sweet is that, huh?