22 August 2008

The Function of Art

Project Blog It

The beauty of art is that it is, at once, both utterly functionless and completely filled with function.

Art is (perhaps) inessential to sustaining life. I don’t rely on it to feed, shelter, or protect me. But it does sustain the mind, the soul, and the heart.

Art is a reflection and a product of a context, a culture, and a history. And it’s a reflection that remains flexible. Art is able to shift and move among cultures, contexts, and histories while still remaining relevant.

Art’s function is to be that touchstone whereby the individual as well as the group sees itself reflected, finds a way to communicate ideas, concepts, feelings, experiences, and finds a way to challenge, honor, and comment on the very state of being.

Art is powerful and wonderful, and yes, even essential in its inessentiality.

Please check the blogs listed on the right for companion pieces to this week's prompt.

Next week’s prompt: Certitude

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