01 August 2008

Pure and Utter Nonsense

Project Blog It

Like Ivory, I can only, at best, achieve 99 44/100% pure and utter nonsense.

I am utterly incapable of fully freeing myself from what I believe to be an appropriate level of reserve. But there is that 66/100 of a percent that gives me hope that I can overcome my Puritanical tendencies and engage in unbounded absurdity now and then.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

By definition, there is no sense in careless silliness. Ludicrousness is consummately undiluted and uncorrupted.

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

I bought a cup of coffee for two dollars and no cents.

Me sense of smell is nearly nonexistent. My olfactory system, far from impeccable, has no sense.

I used to feed my dog Purina. It would have been unadulterated all-out preposterousness to feed him anything else.

Please check the blogs listed on the right for companion pieces to this week's prompt.

Next week's prompt: Strawberries

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